Dr. Angela Dimitrakaki
writer and Senior Lecturer in Contemporary Art History and Theory at the University of Edinburgh.HOW TO BE A HISTORY PARTICIPANT: THE STAKES OF SCULPTURECOMMUNISM AND THE FINITUDE OF CHOICES The generation issue: On the modern and the contemporary When an artist born in 1976... -
Fabiola Bierhoff
PhD Candidate in the History and Cultural Studies programme at the Freie Universität Berlin.THE MEMORIAL PAPERS: DEMOCRATIC, DISPOSABLE SOUVENIRS Digital Versus Analogue Dissemination In 1967, long before the impact of self-publishing and dissemination made possible by the Internet, theorist and philosopher Marshall McLuhan... -
DR. Jae Emerling
Professor of modern and contemporary art in the College of Arts +Architecture at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte. He is the Director of the College of Arts + Architecture Honours programmeSCULPTURE COMMUNISM: AN OEUVRE IN CONSTRUCTION, HERE-AND-NOW And Polo said: 'The inferno of the living is not something that will be; if there is one, it is what is already... -
Dr. Jo Applin
senior lecturer in modern and contemporary art at the University of YorkRENDEZVOUS: the mode of exchange In 1921, on his way back from a celebratory drink to mark the opening of his first exhibition in Paris, the American artist Man Ray... -
Dr. Jon Wood
independent writer and curator who specialises in modern and contemporary sculptureEVERY-PHOTOGRAPH-SCULPTURE-THING 'En art, il n'y a pas d'étrangers.' Constantin Brancusi In January 1955 the Museum of Modern Art in New York opened its doors to one of the most ambitious... -
Nina Schallenberg
Curator of the Nationalgalerie at the Hamburger BahnhofTHE DISSOLUTION OF THE HOME Home Until the late nineteenth century, the purpose of sculpture—whether monument, tombstone, or bust—was first and foremost to represent or to commemorate. Thus it was... -
Dr. Philip Ursprung
Professor of the History of Art and Architecture at ETH Zürich.EAST OF EDEN Since the dawn of industrialization, people have been ashamed of their own labor. They hide it from the gaze of others, just as Adam and Eve hid... -
Dr. Stefaan Vervoort
architect and professor at the Department of art music and theatre sciences, Ghent UniversityPARADISE NOW In a short text published in 1963, Theodor W. Adorno gives a succinct analysis of an American pop song entitled 'Especially for you'. The lyrics sound as banal... -
Steven ten Thije
research curator at the Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven. Researcher and lecturer at the university of Hildesheim.PHOTOCOMMUNISM In a photograph printed on cheap newsprint a sizeable man, presumably Cuban, in a yellow T-shirt, balances a small Constructivist-looking sculpture made of multiplex on top of a balcony... -
Jan Frederik De Cock
MANIFEST FOR SCULPTURE COMMUNISM IN VENICE. Dear Biennial visitor, Forgive me when I say that you are permanently being watched, tough no longer listened to. The business world and its...